Murals in the Warehouse Arts District

This former industrial area, with its large buildings, offers the perfect backdrop for muralists to create their street art.

Treasures of Morocco by Michael Vahl

"Treasures of Morocco" by Michael Vahl, Warehouse Arts District

Art lovers will find that the Pixelstix app enhances their mural spotting experience (just touch your phone to the "smart plaque" found on many murals). Also note that, while addresses and map links are included below, the murals are often on the sides or backs of the buildings.

Be sure to check out more info on where to shop, eat and more in the Warehouse Arts District!



Bait & Switch

"Bait & Switch" mural by the Vitale Bros., Warehouse Arts District

"Bait & Switch" mural by the Vitale Bros., Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Vitale Bros. About the mural: Legendary local muralists, the Vitale Bros., team up with Pangeaseed Foundation and Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans, to bring this fun, underwater scene to life in the Warehouse Arts District for SHINE 2019.


Untitled, Belin

 Untitled Mural by Belin, Warehouse Arts District

Untitled mural by Belin, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Belin. About the mural: This mural was painted by Spanish artist, Miquel Angel Belinchon Bujes, commonly known as Belin, during the 2018 SHINE Mural Festival. He masterfully blends realism with cubism that creates a uniquely modern technique reminiscent of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali.


Golden Girl

"Golden Girl" by Princess Smith, Warehouse Arts District

"Golden Girl" by Princess Smith, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Princess Smith. About the mural: As part of the 2019 Shine Mural Festival, local artist Princess Smith portrays a young Black girl flexing her bicep against a bold yellow backdrop.


La Emperatriz

"La Emperatriz" Mural by Paola Delfin,  Warehouse Arts District

"La Emperatriz" mural by Paola Delfin, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Paola Delfin. About the mural: Hailing all the way from Mexico, SHINE 2019 artist Paola Delfin brings her signature, monochromatic portraiture to the Warehouse Arts District. The piece’s title is Spanish for “the empress.”


Pop Art Plastic

"Pop Art Plastic" by Elle LeBlanc, Warehouse Arts District

"Pop Art Plastic" by Elle LeBlanc, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Elle LeBlanc. About the mural: The cheerful pink, yellow and baby blue in this mural belie St. Pete-based Elle LeBlanc’s very serious message about plastic pollution in our waterways. One of the 2020 SHINE Mural Fest’s largest murals, it was painted on the external wall of a local hydroponic farm.


Sunshine on My Mind

"Sunshine On My Mind" Mural by Leo Gomez, Warehouse Arts District

"Sunshine On My Mind" mural by Leo Gomez, Warehouse Arts District

The Artist: Leo Gomez. About the mural: Typography king Leo Gomez painted this as part of SHINE in 2019, and it couldn’t be more fitting – St. Pete is, after all, nicknamed the Sunshine City. The cursive pink lettering against a bold blue backdrop create a cheerful pop of color amid the workshops of the Warehouse Arts District.


Temple of Eternal Bliss

"Temple of Eternal Bliss" Mural by Pale Horse,  Warehouse Arts District

"Temple of Eternal Bliss" mural by Pale Horse, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Pale Horse. About the mural: Hailing all the way from Portland, Oregon, SHINE 2019 artists Blaine Fontana and Plastic Birdie teamed up with Pangeaseed Foundation and Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans to bring us this massive sea-themed wall. Their aim was to bring awareness to overfishing and native species eradication and call for healthy oceans for generations to come.


The 8th Funky Fish Town

"The 8th Funky Fish Town" Mural by Blaine Fontana and Plastic Birdie, with PangeaSeed Foundation and Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans, Warehouse Arts District

"The 8th Funky Fish Town" mural by Blaine Fontana and Plastic Birdie, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Blaine Fontana and Plastic Birdie. About the mural: Hailing all the way from Portland, Oregon, SHINE 2019 artists Blaine Fontana and Plastic Birdie teamed up with Pangeaseed Foundation and Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans to bring us this massive sea-themed wall. Their aim was to bring awareness to overfishing and native species eradication and call for healthy oceans for generations to come.


The Great Utterance

"The Great Utterance" Mural by Cryptik, Warehouse Arts District

"The Great Utterance" mural by Cryptik, Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Cryptik. About the mural: Southern California artist Cryptik hypnotically blends Eastern philosophical mantras with black letter bombing, merging the ancient and sacred in a modern quest for awareness. The mural, titled "The Great Utterance" is a prayer to the sun created for SHINE St. Pete 2017. 


Under the Sea

"Under the Sea" Mural by the Vitale Bros., Warehouse Arts District

"Under the Sea" mural by the Vitale Bros., Warehouse Arts District

Artist: Vitale Bros. About the mural: Painted by widely known artists John and Paul Vitale, this aquatically inspired mural depicts several sea creatures, including a sea turtle, a swordfish and a trio of dolphins surrounded by beautiful coral reefs.

Explore Murals by District

Excited for even more artistic adventures? Check out these mural pages, one for each of St. Pete's districts.