7 Rules of Responsible Beachgoing

A man and a little girl wearing black trash bags as capes, pretending to be "trash" heroes. Pier 60 can be seen at distance.

Beach Responsibility Rule #2 - Pick Up Trash.

Headed out for a perfect day on America’s Best Beaches to enjoy that sugar-fine sand, pristine Gulf water and warm Florida sunshine? Hey, that's a great idea! While you’re at it, remember to show your "eco-ppreciation" with these seven simple rules to being a responsible beachgoer. Now, more than ever, it’s important that we all do our part to help protect our planet from some bad habits we’ve picked up along the way. If not for your fellow humans, do it for the manatees and sea turtles!


Rule #1: Pack In, Pack Out

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Rule #1 - Leave nothing but your footprints! Whatever you bring to the beach with you, be sure to take it when you leave. Needless to say, the sea turtles aren’t there to clean up your mess.


Rule #2: Pick Up Trash (Even if it’s Not Yours)

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The ultimate superpower? Social responsibility! Help keep America’s best beaches beautiful by picking up trash, even if it’s not yours. Please and thank you!


Rule #3: Stop Using Single-Use Plastics

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It’s time to phase out single-use plastics and phase in reusable items such as metal water bottles and straws. In the U.S. alone, people go through enough plastic straws to circle the globe 2.5 times A DAY. And don’t even get us started on plastic bags… (*cough cough* do we REALLY need to use 100 billion plastic bags a year? Lookin' at you, America...) Plastic bags are EXTREMELY hazardous to wildlife. If these startling facts don't motivate you to change your ways, we don’t know what will. 


Rule #4: Keep the Beach “Runway” Safe for Sea Turtles

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Sea turtle hatchlings don't want to climb mountains and cross canyons in their first few moments of life. Can you blame them? During sea turtle nesting season, from May 1 through October 31, make it easier for them to find their way to the Gulf by knocking down sand castles and filling in sand pits at the end of your beach day. Clear the way, you might even have fun while you’re at it!


Rule #5: Pick Up Your #1 Friend’s #2s

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Are you and your furry friend just itching to make some beachside memories together? We have you covered with some of the best dog-friendly beaches in Florida! But we do have one reasonable request… If your dog does a #2, pick it up!


Rule #6: Don’t Walk in Off-Limit Areas

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We get it, sand dunes and bird sanctuaries can be super-photogenic and sometimes a tempting shortcut. But they’re also there for a reason - to protect the beach from wind erosion and offer birds a peaceful place to live and nest. These off-limit areas are marked with signs. So just do as they say, okay?


Rule #7: Slow Boating is Good Boating

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Not to state the obvious but…animals can’t read. So even when you’re boating outside of a designated no-wake zone, you should still watch your speed in case a manatee wanders into your path. Trust us when we say that they are not built for speed.